Everyone is Welcome!

Ways You Can Get Involved

There are various ways to participate. Join us as an official contributor by sharing case studies online whenever you encounter lighting that needs to be discussed! Join the Advisory Board of global experts or become a core collaborator and member of our team

Submit Cases Online

Join hundreds other contributors from all around the world and upload images or videos spotlighting poor or exceptional lighting adding your comments and questions

Advisory Board

Join the International Advisory Board Network, dedicate time into spreading the word, reviewing information, creating content and participating on online and in-person events

Core Collaborator

We are always in the lookout of passionate designers who want to contribute to the production, curation and research of the content we create. We are currently searching for the next "Research Collaborator Team Member"

Ways you can get involved with the lighting police

Observe The Light

Both indoors and outdoors, look at the light sources, observe where the light is coming from and how it make you feel

Join hundreds of people who have submitted instagram stories

Tag @thelightingpolice

Sharing Knowledge

Follow the Lighting Police Rules and create your stories/posts spotlighting the key issue you have observed

Keep it simple

Provide your insights and help others observe light more consciously

Ask Questions

Take a picture/video, share how the light makes you feel, what surprises you or makes you feel uncomfortable, and ask the community to share their thoughts

Spark conversations and ask questions

We love polls and online QA